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Guide To Analyzing Customer Experience Trends Post-Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced how people view customer experience. Contemporary brands are constantly looking for ways to adapt to the digital-first models, omnichannel support, and post-pandemic call centers and improve CX trends and statistics. Technology is advancing rapidly, thereby pressuring companies to reconsider their CX strategies. Additionally, with over 1.8 billion millennials on the globe, omnichannel became the bare minimum for accessing accurate information and enabling a smooth experience.

customer experience

The recent customer experience trends post the COVID-19 pandemic lays out a step-by-step blueprint of an ideal call center while providing remote agents and cloud-based software to give consumers a new dynamic experience. These statistics resemble the shifts in economies and contemporary AI solutions to deliver a frictionless service and consistent personalization of services. In this article, you will understand the nits and grits of CX trend analysis to evaluate the post-pandemic situation:

What Is Customer Experience Analytics?

Customer experience (also known as CX) analysis revolves around capturing the correct information, analyzing the CX statistical data, and evaluating the customer experience. This process combats the company’s limitations and adapts itself to enhance customer experience and retain customers.

The analytical data reflects the engagement between the consumer and the product and service. The most important aspects of this data are concerned with call center interactions, social media services, emails, and feedback kiosks.

How To Analyze Customer Experience (CX) Data?

Data collection is crucial to wisely choose your key metrics and key performance indicators (KPI). Here are the steps to take to optimize CX data collection:

Step 1: Establish An Objective For CX Analytics

Research indicates that business performance increases with the formulation of a solid objective. This objective will guide the team’s processes and influence how you perceive the information. Common objectives revolve around hard surface aspects during customer engagements, boosting conversion rates, and establishing a tailored experience.

Step 2: Cite Reliable Trend Sources

Analyzing recent customer experience trends during the post-pandemic era requires secondary data focusing on AI for quality management. Cloud contact center software and other comprehensive dialers prove much more cost-efficient than conducting in-depth surveys. These solutions also provide remote call center solutions for enhancing customer service, covering both inbound and outbound sales and marketing.

Step 3: Identify Points Of Friction

Once you get the relevant data, you can start ordering channels where most customer interactions occur. Let your team focus on key friction points and hotspots by categorizing and deriving insights. Keywords like “return” or “error” can prove to be a friction area and may demand comprehensive insights into such causes.

It is important to add the element of context in this regard. These causes must be analyzed based on scale and source, which can help you derive objective solutions to eradicate the problem.

Step 4: Quantify Sustainable Solutions

Address friction points derived in the previous step. The crucial aspect to consider in this step is not to devise short-term instant solutions but to create a long-term sustainable vision to improve metrics in the future. The outcomes can be quantified after the solutions have been in practice for a particular time frame. These calculations can be in the form of customer utility, effort score, promoter score, and sentiment. Keep in mind that these metrics must directly influence KPIs.

Tips To Improve CX Insights

Gaining insights through CX trend data takes work. The ultimate objective is to yield high performance with lower customer effort scores. Here are certain tips to help you in this regard:

  1. Sort out demographic segments to account for revenue statistics.

  2. The more personalization, the better the trends result.

  3. Identify requirements and satisfy them most profitably.

  4. Set yourself apart from competitors.

  5. Track CX trends through reliable cloud call center software.


When patterns start to appear, it’s important to start paying attention. It’s critical to meet consumers’ demands to collect as much customer data as possible. As you can see from your client profiles and trip maps, certain demographic groups have preferred channels.

Additionally, customers may use many channels throughout the day. All this data is essential for you to have a complete image of how your client experience is perceived throughout the channels you are present on.


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