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How Global Can We Go?

Gravatar has always been about GLOBALLY Recognized Avatars. The Global part of that came from Gravatar being really simple to implement in almost any environment. Let’s see what we can do to make things global by being available in every language!

Previously, a few very helpful volunteers made sure that the Gravatar website was available in 14 different languages. There are now more strings to translate than ever (469 per language actually!), and so we’ve spent some time trying to make things easier to work with. Our buddies over at are hosting a GlotPress installation for us that will allow you all to contribute to the translation process online, with nothing but a web browser. All you need to do to get started is head over to the Gravatar project, log in using your account and start translating strings!

We’ve imported all previous translations to get things started, and you’ll find some nifty tools in GlotPress, including the ability to use Google Translate for a bit of a head start. Strings are also prioritized according to where they appear within the website (so that we get the most important ones translated first). If you’d like to work on a language that isn’t currently listed, please let us know via an email to support [at] and we’ll get things set up for you.

Once each translation gets near completion, we’ll get it online so that everyone can benefit from seeing the website in their native language.

We’re really looking forward to making Gravatar even more global than ever with your help!

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