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How to Vote in 2008

Those of you eligible to vote in the United States, or employees of the Diebold corporation, have the opportunity to have a profound effect on the future of our country in the upcoming Presidential elections. As many of you know, I’m not going to be able to run until the year 2020 when I’m 36. In the meantime, we need to vote for other people but like tomato sauce in the supermarket there’s just too many choices — chunky? Italian? Clinton?

Fortunately one candidate has made an important change to their platform that should make your decision much easier. I’ll let the words speak for themselves:

3. Gravatar (Your Image): Have you noticed the unique and distinguished images that show up for some Rangers?  Well we have integrated a free service known as a globally recognized avatar (learn more at:  By simply creating your free Gravatar and placing any image or logo you want, you can then go to the dashboard and edit your profile, there’s an option to put the email you used to create your Gravatar.  Make your mark on today!

Just in time for Iowa you can now make your mark on Mike Huckabee, who now receives the Official Gravatar Endorsement for President of the United States™, at least until another candidate makes their stance on Gravatars known.


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