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Picture Finder

Thanks to an email from the creator, we’ve been made aware of this really neat Gravatar-powered application for Mac users. Picture Finder is a free (but please donate!) application for Mac OSX 10.6 users that allows you to control the images that appear in Address Book on your system (which will also sync to your iPhone if you have one). It looks up all the different possible images for each contact based on any email addresses you have stored against them.

Picture Finder

Picture Finder main window

It won’t keep images updated, but it does give you a quick and easy way to select an image for your contacts from one of the generated options, or their selected image if they have a Gravatar account. I enabled the option to “Replace pictures without double checking with me” and then I was able to just go through and double-click the image I wanted for each of my contacts.

We absolutely love seeing Gravatar make its way off the web and onto your desktop, into your cell phone and everywhere else. Do you know of any other cool uses of Gravatars? Let us know in the comments!


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