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Profile Pages <3 hCard

Did you know that your profile pages are fully marked up using hCard? hCard is a microformat for programmatically embedding information about people, companies, organizations, and places in HTML and other markup languages. The screenshot below describes some of the main markup involved on a profile page

  1. Email address marked up with class=email (only available via JS/client-side parsing due to spam-protection measures)

  2. IM accounts marked up using class=url (some values only available via JS/client-side parsing due to spam-protection measures)

  3. Phone numbers marked up with class=tel (using type/value subproperties)

  4. Verified accounts marked up with class=url and rel=me

  5. Name marked up with class=fn

  6. Personal Links are marked up with class=url

  7. Image (main Gravatar) is marked up using class=photo

hCard on Profile Pages

hCard on Profile Pages

There’s more profile-data goodness coming soon, so check back here for the latest.


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